Parent Teacher Association
Hi, I’m Claire and I am Chair of the PTA. I joined the PTA when my daughter started in reception, primarily because I wanted to get to know the school better and become part of the community. She has now moved on to secondary school, but my son is still here in year five. I love being involved in the school and getting to know other parents and staff, and have many special moments from my time here so far. We have a great team on the PTA who all work together to our individual strengths, with the main shared aim of creating fun, memorable events for the children, and enriching their primary school experience. Everyone is friendly, warm and approachable, so please do say hello if you see us in the playground!
Hi, I'm Sally! I have a son who left SJG in September to go to senior school and a daughter currently in year 2. I've been involved on and off with the PTA for a few years now and I've recently become the Secretary. Before I joined, I had no idea how much the PTA do, to make our children's school days even better and I wanted to help as much as time allows - life is busy! Highlights so far have been the wettest 'Summer Fair' ever, Discos and of course, Dominick!
You will of course recognise Jan Taylor from the Abbey Fields School Office. She has been on the PTA for years and is also the treasurer. She can point you in the right direction should you wish to join!
Vice Chair
Hi I am Neveen, I have a two children in the school. I joined the PTA to help raise much needed funds and to be part of the school community.
Hi, I’m Rachel and I first joined the PTA when my son started school in Reception as I wanted to be more involved with the school and make some new friends. He is now in year 6 so sadly my time is coming to an end. I have really enjoyed helping with the various fundraising events we have held and have loved seeing the extra activities and treats that the funds we have raised provide for the children.
Hi, I’m Esra. I am a committee member and I have joined PTA four years ago when my son started the EYFS. It is great to be part of this school community where I can share my interests, abilities, strengths and organisational skills as we work together for our children and our school.
I joined the PTA shortly after my eldest started at St. John’s Green. I’ve loved being able to help raise important funds for the school and treating the children to things throughout the school year. It’s a lovely group to be part of all with the same focus on doing all we can for the children and our school.
Hello my name is Zowie and I love being part of the PTA. We are a friendly and committed group of people who all have one thing in common - to work really hard to make a real difference for students and their families. I am a catering assistant at the school - a role I absolutely love. I have a son in year 3 and a daughter in year 5 which makes my involvement in the school even more meaningful. If you see me around the school please come and say hi - but I can't promise that I won't try to get you on the PTA!
Hello, I'm Courtney and I joined the PTA when my daughter (now in year 3) was in Foundation. I have loved being involved in the lovely things that the PTA do for the children at St Johns Green. I am looking forward to contributing to our school community, working with a lovely team to give the children of the school memories they will keep forever.